i took a break the past couple of days from my learning exercises because one year and one day after Scout broke his femur, he fell again and spent the subsequent day very much out of sorts and refusing to walk. Man, i've said it a million times, but i'll repeat: Parenting is not for the faint of heart.
Thankfully, a Monday a.m. visit to the doc confirmed my intuition that he wasn't seriously hurt but did have a knee boo-boo from the fall. He's scooting around more each hour and in good spirits, but the experience reminds me so of the six weeks he spent in a cast that had both of his legs splayed out and immobilized.
Christopher and i were talking last night about how we got through that time partly by the patient and inspiring Scout, who remained chipper and happy while unable to move his legs. We also realized we tried hard not to dwell on the horror that it is when your child is injured. This may sound self-centered, but Scout's broken leg was the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
In any case, just like with the broken leg, we are beyond blessed to have two healthy,beautiful, smart kids and Scout is again just fine.
Back to techno-learning. Today, i explored wiki's, which i learned means "fast" in Hawaiian. While i knew about wiki's prior to this lesson, i learned more about their uses, like creating real-world community sites online.
My current favorite wiki is
Dikipedia.org, which is NOT adult content, but rather about people who are, well, dicks. It's surprisingly well-written and somewhat Onion-esque. (credit to
Christopher for turning me on to it.)
Part of my study practice is to read a bit of the three or four blogs that i've ID'd as worthwhile for "social media studies." They include:
www.jobsinsocialmedia.comwww.chrisbrogan.comwww.socialmediarockstar.comi'm trying to stay in the present, resisting an urge to jump ahead of the learning and figure out how i could translate this edumacation into cold, hard cash. Ha, i mean of course, how i might find paying work with this knowledge.
Ok, now i'm being Bad Mommy by finishing this, talking to dear husband on the phone and telling Scout, "I'll be right there." Enough multi-tasking, to the children.