Post-Soviet Georgia

Returning home to the U S o' A, specifically Atlanta, the adventures of our heroine, Wendylu, continue. After chronically her life in post-Soviet Ukraine, we look at life with hubby and babies in that strange land we call suburban America.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

i just discovered the most amazing list of free online courses from several prestigious universities. i am amazed and have a new nap time hobby.

i also want to post a brief ad for my Mom's blog, 23 Things, while it still lives online. it's a great intro to some of the premier fun and amazing Web 2.0 applications. to be honest, i didn't know what "Web 2.0" even meant before reading her posts!

Finally, on the last technology comment, i am still amazed by the detailed photos on Google Maps, like this one of our address, though it actually shows a house down the hill from ours. One mystery of Southern Living is why people park on their lawn when they have perfectly usable driveways. Classy.

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Blogger The Gypsy Mama said...

I didn't know you had a blog!! You are now officially added to my favorite list of regularly read blogs. There are only 2; you will make a merry 3! I must recommend my favorite to you -

Have a great day sistah!


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