Post-Soviet Georgia

Returning home to the U S o' A, specifically Atlanta, the adventures of our heroine, Wendylu, continue. After chronically her life in post-Soviet Ukraine, we look at life with hubby and babies in that strange land we call suburban America.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ok, so it's been almost two years since I last posted. I shall ignore my inner voice asking me to catch up and be orderly and rather just let myself be inspired by my soul sistah Gypsy Mama to see what I can write in five minutes.

Today, waiting in the warming CO winter sun, a group of teenagers, three or four boys and one girl talk loudly near me. They arrived to my spot in mid-conversation, one especially loud boy talking in great detail about performing very violent acts on an unspecified girl, specifically by luring her with the promise of sex.

I felt so disturbed by this because in this loud and public conversation, there was no sense of this being a bad or wrong thing to even contemplate.

This is less than five minutes, but more than I've written in two years, so I'll be happy with that today. Now.